Welcome to ISM "Your bridge to Australia"

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+ 61 (02) 9643 5164

We are open

Mon-Fri: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM

Are you eligible for an Australian visa?
We will find the right visa for you to apply.
Have you already found the right visa to apply?
We will prepare your visa application to highest standards and lodge it with Department of Home Affairs
Are you eligible to apply for your Australian Citizenship?
We will check your eligibility, prepare and apply for your Australian citizenship.
Has your visa been refused or cancelled?
We will prepare your appeal application and lodge it with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Assess visa eligibility

Assess your visa eligibility with us.

Asses eligibility

Apply for visa

Prepare and apply for your visa with us.

Apply visa

Apply for citizenship

Prepare and apply for your citizenship with us.

Apply citizenship

Apply for AAT review

Prepare and apply for your AAT appeal with us.

Apply AAT Review

Temporary Activity Visa (Subclass 408 )

This visa allows you to come to Australia to do specific types of work on a short-term, temporary basis.There are different categories under this visa subclass:

Special Program

This visa lets you stay in Australia to take part in an approved special program. Special programs can include youth exchange, cultural enrichment or community programs, school language assistants or "gap year school volunteering ".

  • Take part in a special program in Australia to exchange culture, knowledge and social experiences
  • Stay in Australia for usually up to 12 months with members of your family unit
  • Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance

Religious Work

This visa lets you do full-time religious work for a religious institution in Australia. You and your family who apply for the visa with you can stay here for up to 2 years.

  • Do full-time religious work to serve a religious institution in Australia
  • Stay in Australia for up to 2 years with members of your family unit
  • Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance

Research activities

This visa lets you observe or take part in a research project at a research or tertiary institution in Australia. You and your family who apply for the visa with you can stay here for up to 2 years.

  • Observe or take part in an Australian research project
  • Stay in Australia for up to 2 years with members of your family unit
  • Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance

Invited for other social and cultural activity (Invited Participant)

This visa lets you come to Australia if you are invited to participate in a community-based event, including sporting events. You and your family who travel on the visa with you can stay here for up to 3 months.

  • You must have been invited to take part in a community-based event in Australia
  • You can stay in Australia for up to 3 months with members of your family unit
  • You can apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance

Sporting Activities

This visa allows you to play, coach, instruct or adjudicate for an Australian team, or do high level sports training with a sporting organisation. You and your family can stay in Australia for up to 2 years.

  • Play, coach, instruct or adjudicate for an Australian team, or do high-level sports training with a sporting organisation
  • Stay for up to 2 years with members of your family unit
  • Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance

Superyacht Crew

This visa lets you work in Australia as a crew member of a superyacht. You can stay here for up to 12 months.

  • Be a crew member on a superyacht in Australia
  • Stay in Australia for up to 12 months
  • Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance

Exchange Arrangements

This visa lets you come to Australia as part of a staff exchange with an Australian organisation. You and your family members who travel here on the visa with you can stay for up to 2 years.

  • Take part in a staff exchange and work in an Australian organisation
  • Stay in Australia for up to 2 years with members of your family unit
  • Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance

Australian Government Endorsed Events

This temporary visa lets you come to Australia to participate in events which are endorsed by the Australian Government.

  • It is only for participation in certain events that have been endorsed by the Australian Government
  • You need to have the endorsement of the event organiser
  • You can stay in Australia for the duration of the event, or up to 4 years if you are an organiser

Domestic Work for Executives

This visa lets you come to Australia to do full-time domestic work in the household of certain senior foreign executives. You and members of your family unit can stay here for up to 2 years.

  • Do full-time domestic work in an Australian household of certain senior foreign executives
  • Stay in Australia for up 2 years with members of your family unit
  • Apply for the visa in or outside Australia, but not in immigration clearance

How can we help?


Your visa application will be prepared by a very professional migration agent to a highest standard.


Your application will be lodged with the Department of Home Affairs within your time frames.


We will liaise with the Department of Affairs regularly and inform you of any developments.


Please send us your question by completing the form below.